Today is a very special day all around the world!
Today is Earth Day!
Pandanda isnt doing much for Earth Day, but I wanted to point it out and tell you a bit about it.
Earth Day, is a day where we do lots of things to help the enviroment, we should try to help the enviroment anyway, but on this day everybody should have Earth Day as a high priority.
You don't have to do anything big like donate money to wildlife parks, you can do little things like...
- Turning off the lights when you go out the room.
- Switching T.V plugs off at night etc.
- Don't leave the tap running when your brushing your teeth.
- Recycle, get some plastic boxes and fill it up with old bits of newspaper and recyle it!
- Try not to drive your car so much, walk, cycle or run to school!
Little things like that every day will make Earth a much better place to live in, the Earth will not last forever, and if we keep doing what we are doing now (not recycling, dumping waste, driving cars everywhere) Then the Earth will soon come to an end sooner that we thought.
So remeber to do the best you can pandas!
you get double coins from steve