
Saturday, 10 September 2011

3rd Week Of The Summer Giveaway Winner!

Hey Pandas!

It has been an exciting couple of weeks to end the summer holidays, but sadly it is the end of the summer giveaway!
But we have some great news!
Since the contest started the blog has gained over 18 followers which is a great achivement! That brings the grand total to 89 followers, which smashes my goal!

That means we are going to be hosting a huge party during Halloween time, where I will be giving away even more memberships!

So anyway, there can only be one winner. So I went onto a random generator website and clicked "GO" The generator then picked out a completly random number and that number was.... 72!!!!

The 72nd person to follow this blog was... ROSY!

Im unable to give a picture of the panda, as it's Rosy's goggle or yahoo account, so well done Rosy, if you could please leave a comment on this post with an email address or twitter account (Dont worry I will not publish your comment) then I will send you your code right away!

Well done to everyone who entered, and who knows there might be another raffle contest involving followers in the future!

Thanks again for making this a great giveaway and I look forward to doing another with you!


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