
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Red & Green Day!

Hey Pandas! If you've been on Pandanda lately you will notice that Henry has been throwing lots of partyies and now Pandanda is celebrating Red and Green day! Let's find out the details from Henry, here's what he said

Red and Green Day Tomorrow!

Wow, it is the second week of December already! Christmas will be here before we know it! It's time to celebrate the season with our 2nd annual RED & GREEN Day.

Tomorrow, Wednesday the7th, is the day to dunk yourself in red or green Panda Paint and put on your favorite red and green clothes. You could even wear a Santa or Elf suit! Remember, all pandas can buy Panda Paint from Fitch at the Clothing Co. on East Market Street. He also has a Santa hat that is available to everyone.

I will be making some surprise visits on Wednesday's RED & GREEN Day, and I'd love to see everyone participating and having holiday fun! If you see players who don't have any red or green, you could kindly offer to show them where they can buy Panda Paint and a Santa Hat. You can even talk to Safe Chat pandas if you use the Safe Chat Menu!

Follow me on Twitter @PandandaHenry tomorrow for my Tweets to see when I will visit. I will be taking pictures of happy pandas having fun with friends, helping other players, being kind, and spreading good cheer. That's what this time of the year is all about!

Make sure to mark your calendars for this Saturday's exciting Game Day! You can earn double coins on multiplayer games. Plus, find Moderators in Bunny Chase or Ghosts of Misty Hill for a chance to win Panda Gold! I'll be coming in on Saturday, too. I plan to visit at 12am Pandanda Time, 8am Pandanda Time, and again at 1pm Pandanda Time. I'll have more information for you later this week.

Festive fun coming up!

Sounds pretty awesome I must admit, and for those of you that need Panda Gold if you come to Red & Green day. Anyways hopefully I will see you there, Cya later Pandas!!!


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